Friday, October 31, 2008

Mr. Future President please fix the economy so Mother's Cookies can reopen..

This is bad....very bad...
I have been trying to take the fingers plugging my ears approach when the economy is brought up.. I am trying to keep a positive outlook that all will get better..
But you know what I just heard...I am in denial...
Mother's Cookies just shut their doors! Yes, THE Mother's cookies.. you know the pink and white circus cookies....
Can't be true...

So straight to Google I go and article after article goes into how on October 9th they went out of business after 92 years..92 years people! Even Ebay is starting to get listings of people putting their cookie stash up for auction..

So still in denial off to the grocery store I rush to see for myself and my heart drops to my stomach as I find myself standing in the cookie aisle staring at empty shelves where my circus animal cookies use to be.. I tell myself it is just a coincidence..but my heart was beating a bit fast as their entire Mother's cookie shelf was very sparse.. fast forward THREE grocery stores animal cookies..very few leftover Mother's cookies..period..

tears..silly I know but really.. banks aren't even willing to help out the cookie people who provide us with a bit of happiness and nostalgia.

If anyone finds my circus cookies please buy me some... my kids and I will be grateful to you so that we can enjoy our last bag together making all the animal sounds of the cookies as we eat them.

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