Wednesday, August 6, 2008

'Twas the night before Kindergarten,

When all through the house mommy was scurrying around like a mouse..
The homework assignment was completed so nice..
The lunch was made.. The new backpack, shoes and outfit set out with care..

In hopes that the first day of school soon would be here..

Luke was nestled all snug in his bed..
While visions of glue sticks danced in his head..

When out on the horizon the sun began to rise,
Luke sprang from his bed to start his first day of Kindergarten

Away to school he walked in a flash..

When, what did his wondering eyes should appear..

but his peeps Lorenzo and Jacob were awaiting him there..

A wink of his eye, and a wave of his hand, soon gave me to know that I had nothing to dread..

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his line

And away they all went like a flock full of ducks..

Happy First day of Kindergarten to all, and to all the best of luck!

We love you Luke!!

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