So we were driving home on Friday after I picked the kids up from school, and I was talking about how excited I was about the Olympics, and how when we got home we were going to be watching the Opening Ceremony. I went on to explain what the Olympics was the best I could to a 3 and 5 year old, so I said something along the lines of that athlete's from around the world would be competing in all different types of sports to see who was the best. I went on to say we would get to watch basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, swimming....and just as I said swimming Luke interrupted and said "Mommy, if they want the best boy in swimming then I need be there, because I can swim really good!"
Here's to looking forward to you making the 2020 Olympics baby boy!!
this blog is my attempt at documenting all the craziness and fun that occurs around us…
It is my journal, photo album, and scrapbook all rolled into one…
a definite Olympian!
Love the pictures! Gettin' good!
I want to get a new camera..
Any suggestions?
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