Monday, June 14, 2010

"Mommy, this is what I am going to wear today!"....(hailies line EVERY morning)

My little fashionista is getting ready to turn 5 soon...
I can hardly believe it...

(hailie at one!)

I am seriously in love with all of the new stuff on Crewcuts for her...

I am going to try a couple diy.. stay tuned.. we will see how they turn out...
and then I am going to just have to buy the rest for her...
hey..she has to be ready to set the standard for the rest of the Kindergarten girls... lol


  1. I remember that photo! Wow! It doesn't even look like her anymore!
    She was so adorable, but she has already turned into such a beautiful little lady!

  2. I remember that photo because I was the photographer's assistant and it was a very hot day! Luke was at a play group - remember!! :)
